Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Not-so-Wordless Wednesday

a butterfly and a bee “sharing” a flower

If you knew what I know about the power of giving,
you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way.

I was actually trying to get a photo of the flower with the butterfly on it, but I got more than what I hoped for. Another winged creature flew and joined the limelight with Mr. Brown-spotted Yellow Butterfly. And it appears that Mr. Busy Bee is not only intent on having his share of camera exposure but even more on having his portion of the “feast”. The flower must be nectar-filled as these two insects seem to be oblivious to my presence. Or maybe it was just my lucky day *grins*

I’m not an entomologist, but I thought butterflies are territorial. So I’m expecting that it would chase the bee away. However it seems not to mind the other insect’s partaking of the food. Perhaps the amount of nectar in this flower is more than enough so it doesn’t mind sharing *smiles.* Or the butterfly might be thinking since it is a lot bigger than the bee, its size would scare the other away. But the bee seems to be undeterred to have his piece of the banquet.

Whatever the reason, I’m glad I was able to capture this moment, even for posterity’s sake. And maybe, I should try to grow this flower to attract more bees and butterfly. And speaking of the flower, can someone please tell me what kind it is. It looks like some sort of thistle, but I’m not sure. And for butterfly lovers, any idea about the name of the one in the picture? I would greatly appreciate your help *thankful grin.*

see my other wordless wednesdays
see other wordless wednesday participants


Indrani said...

You have chosen a perfect quote for the shots! Could it be a Leopard Butterfly? (My guess.)

Beth F said...

That must be some nectar- (or pollen-) filled flower! Nice capture.

Thanks for stopping by today. Happy WW.

Robin said...

Beautiful shots, and the quote suits them perfectly.

Deanna said...

Very cool! Great pictures! Hope you're having a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots...great clarity. Nice to see everyone getting along...there's plenty for all!

Gattina said...

That's a wonderful shot ! You really were lucky ! I am sure that doesn't happen very often !

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful. Sorry I can't identify either the flower or the butterfly.

Anonymous said...

That quote is absolutely amazing. I think you captured the "should be" relationship between us humans in your picture of nature. Kudos.

SandyCarlson said...

That is absolutely delightful. I just love it.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow!! Priceless shot indeed. Great find, one to cherish for sure.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! But, please tell me these were taken last summer and that you are not living somewhere that beautiful right now. Here it is 20 degrees with frozen fog!

Unknown said...

Looks like they're pals! How neat! I love how fuzzy that butterfly is. :)

lareine said...

to everybody: thank you very much for dropping by... wouldn't it be great if we can follow their example?...

and i'm glad these particular insects stayed on the flower for the photo shots:)... i don't think i would have the patience to wait around (or hide behind a bush) for something like this to happen again *giggles*...

to will: don't worry, the photos were taken last autumn... we're also having gray, cold and wet days with a lot of wind... how i wish warm weather would arrive soon!...

The Bumbles said...

Lovely as always - in words and images. That's why we gave you some love today...

Anonymous said...

You could have easily written anything else for the picture but you wrote, the butterfly and a bee SHARING a flower...just how one sees it...isnt it?

lareine said...

to the bumbles: thanks!... i should try to to read the novel one day... but i think your "story" is more interesting --- funny yet sweet:)

to UTP: i'm not always the "a glass half-full of water" type, but i try to be:)... with the problems the world is facing today, i guess we have to try looking at the bright side, even for a moment:)

The Bumbles said...

Hi Lareine - but the love we gave you was an award - I should have linked the specific post the first time - here it is now.

lareine said...

to the bumbles: ooops! sorry i didn't see it when i visited your site... but i'll try to do it before the day is through... admitting your weirdness in public is not easy... now i'm having beads of sweat on my forehead *nervous smile*:)...

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